January 2024
and infighting continues to pick the bones of
private aviators clean, in the mistaken belief
that they provide a bottomless trove of money
to prop up both the SACAA and several
commercial aviation enterprises of dubious
The litany of SACAA’s dithering and disaster
is endless, from the shocking revelations
emanating from the tragic accident of their
own Cessna Citation and their unconscionable
effort to cover up their own indiscretions, to
their persistence in trying to restrict GA aircraft,
take control of small airstrips for the purpose of
collecting revenue from landowners, endless
paperwork for which they expect payment for
no purpose, the virtual collapse of air navigation
services at larger airports, increasing tariffs and
any other revenue they can somehow generate
without actually providing
useful services.
After more than 11
years at SACAA’s helm,
Civil Aviation Director
Poppy Khoza’s second
term came to an end
in December 2023, but
she’s reportedly has had her contract renewed
for another five years. Since her remuneration
peaked at around R8.6 million in the years
prior to Covid-19, she has sufficient motivation
to hang in there for a while longer. However,
considering her past performance, it appears
likely that she will be presiding over an
organisation that will stay focused on finding
and killing ever more geese that may lay golden
eggs to fund the bloated bureaucracy’s huge
salary bills – while fighting rearguard actions
against all the blunders and miscalculations that
SACAA leaves in its wake.
Unfortunately for South African aviation, these
blunders, cover-ups and general indiscretions
do not go unnoticed by other nations. There are
already rumblings at ICAO about SA’s privileged
membership of the 32-nation ICAO Council and
whether our track record warrants SA’s influence
internationally. This, particularly in the light of the
political considerations of the SA Government’s
cozying up to international pariahs like Russia,
Belarus and Middle Eastern states and
organisations – all the while loudly – and falsely
– screaming “neutrality”!
What is most disappointing is that the
participants in general aviation in SA are very
fractured at present. Confusion reigns supreme
– and almost everyone has something to
say about current issues, but they are mostly
wrong. One particularly concerning issue was
the response to SACAA’s plans to increase the
aviation fuel levy over the next few years.
The DA Shadow Minister of Transport, Chris
Hunsinger, galvanised the media into a frenzy
that this would hurt the public by increasing
already-expensive air tickets. However, this
is quite incorrect. The
Convention prohibits
taxation of fuel, lubricants
and parts on international
In a vain attempt to gather
a few pennies, the fuel
levy exempts commercial
passenger flights altogether. So, it has no effect
on the consumer that Hunsinger so valiantly
seeks to defend. On the other hand, the levy
is extracted from fuel manufacturers, importers
and wholesalers. This raises the question: how
on earth are the fuel suppliers supposed to
know in advance which litre of fuel is going to be
propelling paying passengers and which litre is
going to be used for private pilots frolicking on
weekends – before the fuel is even delivered to
the pumps?
SACAA’s levy, albeit small, clearly targets private
aviators and flight training schools, but is so
ludicrously unworkable as to be laughable.
Another issue that has caused an uproar is the
ongoing AIC18.19 issue, the recommendation
by engine manufacturers Lycoming and
Continental that their engines be overhauled
every 12 years, regardless of hours flown.
the decline